Paarticipants and GFF Helps India team in Kamshi, Kalimpong
On the 8th of March 2022, GFF Helps India organized International Women’s Day celebration in Bong, Kamshi, Pudung and Chibbo villages. The programs were held in collaboration with the SOGG L&I Centres in their premises. Women of the respective villages were felicitated by the staff of SOGG and GFF Helps. Cakes, sweets and snacks were provided to the participants.
GFF Helps India team took part in the Bong and Kamshi village’s celebration. Apart from the informative session on International Women’s Day, a fun session for the women was organized where they sang and danced. The women were dressed up in saree (traditional outfit) especially for the occasion. Women of these four villages are mostly homemakers and engage in farm based activities. Their lives revolve around their children and family. They rarely have time to go out for their houses for leisure. Therefore this program provided them time and space to celebrate and rejuvenate themselves.
The main aim of the program was to create a platform for women of the village to come together and celebrate womanhood and their contribution towards their society.
Women of Chibbo interacting with each other during the Women’s Day Celebration
Women in Bong enjoying their dance session
One of the women participants in Bong village said that “Thank you so much for organizing the program and making this day special for us”.