The water project that GFF Helps is supporting in Teneghare Kavre is one of the most ambitious one in that, if the project comes to fruition it can help each villager have their water needs satisfied without having the women to carry loads of water each morning and travel miles. The project will require involvement and support of the community stakeholders and the villagers to dig, build and establish water pipes in the village.
So, before initiating this project it was important for GFF Helps Nepal team to perform community mapping at the project area. This mapping process was conducted on 31 January 2021 at Teenghare village and was facilitated by the GFF Nepal and CDS (Child Development Society) team. The participants were from different walks of life and age, including young, elderly, women’s groups, teachers and local consumer group members.
The major topics that community people discussed were regarding social environment, water resources and sanitation, education and livelihood.
The whole process helped the communities map and tap into the breadth of their own communal and existing knowledge to find solutions to the issues that may arise in the future (during the project period or throughout their lifespan).

A meeting in Kavre for the Community Mapping
by Insha Pun, Local Representative