
GFF Helps Nepal emotional projects in Specially-abled Children, Schools and Partner NGO

Supporting Specially-abled Children

The children of Chandragiri Municipality attend school everyday. They are taught basic speech, movement and disciplined by the staff working in this school. Apart from the daily routine, GFF Helps planned to organize a musical therapy session with these children in order to cater to their emotional well being. The children enjoyed singing along with the dance session. This therapy helps in releasing and exploring the children’s emotions, helps with active listening, use of both gross and fine motor movements, recalling of song, non – verbal and verbal communication, self – management of behaviour. This session also help them to improve their social interaction and improve relationships with their peers and teachers.

Supporting Health Clinic

As the saying goes “Health is Wealth”. GFF Helps Nepal has been supporting the Child Development Society Health Clinic as a regular part of a work-day in the office. As, certified in Basic First Aid training, the GFF team has been taking care of patients suffering from physical injuries such as: sprain, cuts, wounds and allergies, with the knowledge from the first aid training received from Nepal Red Cross in the month of December of 2022. The beneficiaries mostly consists of students from Bal Kumari school or children and parents from the CDS Day Care Centers and the local people from in around the office region.

ESL Classes Community School- Education Project

English as a Second Language (ESL) classes with the students from Bal Kumari school has come to a three months of completion. The best performer were rewarded dictionaries (Nepali to English) as a means to encourage them. English language as a global language is crucial for learning as a life-skill. Within Nepal the students from community schools have a hard time learning English. The purpose of ESL classes was to support children’s emotional health alongside building a bond of trust and respect for one another.

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Joe FisherGFF Helps Nepal emotional projects in Specially-abled Children, Schools and Partner NGO