GFF HELPS Sri Lanka organized an hour-long free, live webinar on “Work – Life Balance while working from Home” on Saturday, 25 September 2021 via Zoom virtual platform.

Poster for the webinar
The guest speaker was Dr. Asanka Bulathwatta (Ph.D (Germany), MSc. (Spain), B.A (Pdn)), an esteemed Human Resources Psychologist and a Senior Lecturer at Department of Psychology of University of Peradeniya. The webinar was conducted with 21 participants and the session was very informative and interactive with participants actively engaging in the polls launched by the resource person. The participants were informed on the ways to increase their productivity and to find an equilibrium between personal and professional life while working remotely.

Facebook page launched

Webinar in progress
GFF HELPS Sri Lanka facebook page was also launched in conjunction to publicizing for the event on social media. While the focus of the programme was to contribute towards improving the mental wellbeing and professional development of the working youth in Sri Lanka, it also allowed for more people in the country to be aware of the work that is being done by Glenn Family Foundation HELPS program, both internationally and locally.