The knowledge of basic first aid is crucial as it helps to save lives while promoting healthy, secure and safer environment. We never know when an injury may happen to us or the people around us. Knowledge about basic first aid is thus very helpful to take care of critical situations. This training session will be useful to not only the trainees but the society as well.
The Basic First Aid Awareness Training was organised by GFF Helps India in collaboration with District Red Cross Kalimpong on 19th November 2020. Due to Covid-19 protocol, this program was organised in a larger venue in 9th mile worship centre and was attended by 14 participants from the villages of Bong, Chibbo and Pudung. Mr. Sandip Jain, founding secretary of District Red Cross Kalimpong inaugurated the programme at 9am. This one-day training session’s main resource person was Mr Rakesh Chandra Singh, a professional Search & Rescue trainer currently working for a Corporate Company OPITO in Kerala. Mr Rakesh Singh hails from Kalimpong and was on his home visit. He decided to VOLUNTEER to train and make us aware on this basic first aid awareness training program on our special request.
The participants of the session were GFF team members, co-ordinators and teachers working in remote areas. The primary aim of the session was to train the participants in managing accidents during the window period, until the arrival of professional help. To increase knowledge and competence about basic first aid, this session was organised. Mr. Rakesh provided an appreciable amount of basic first aid training to the participants. The importance of basic first aid and measures to be taken during emergencies were instructed to the participants, followed by demonstration and practice. The use of everyday examples, videos and power point slides made the session engaging and easy to grasp.
by Melissa Namchu, GFF HELPS India Local Representative