School Psychosocial Support Workshop
Professional facilitation by counsellor
Teachers listening to the presentation
Addressing Mental health at school level
Educating the educators with psychosocial supporting skills
Community Teacher schools participation in the workshop, Kapan- CDS Office.
A School Psychosocial Support Workshop was conducted on 4th October 2021 targeting teachers from 7 community schools of Kathmandu and Budhanikatha municipalities. Ms. Ganesh Maya Ruth Shrestha a counselor psychologist from Anandaban hospital Lalitpur, Kathmandu facilitated the session.
The workshop focused on orienting teachers dealing with children from vulnerable backgrounds from community schools. The session started with pre-test questionnaire discussion on the general understanding of psychosocial problems and support. 14 participants attended the workshop to understand the psychosocial problems, its identification at school level amongst children, development of effective communication skills, learning the basic psychosocial development theory of Erick Erikson. A virtual follow-up session is to take place in the month of November.
Teachers presenting their work
Importance of Tree Plantation
Awareness Campaign
Tree Plantation Activity
An awareness session conducted by Ms. Sulochana Thapa on the importance of tree plantation at Tri-Jyoti Higher Secondary School, Kapan
The primary purpose of this awareness session is to educate students about environmental protection, and the value of trees, plant seeds and pledge to protect and care for their newly planted trees. Growing fruit with school students offers a unique chance to teach them about the importance of healthy foods and nutrition. Over, 23 children participants from +2 class, at Tri-Jyoti Higher Secondary School were present during the session along with the school principal and subject teachers for the session. This session is to be followed by a school tree planting project – intended to be educational, fun and lasting benefit to the environment in which they live.
Children as storytellers during the virtual storytelling sessions.
Building Self Confidence
Developing concentration power
Involving listeners
Value books and stories
Poster for the festival season
An online storytelling session was held on 9th October 2021 conducted by Ms. Sulochana Thapa (GFF Helps Volunteer) and Abhishek Rai (GFF Helps Intern). The storytelling session made learning exciting for the children as the theme for the session was “Tell your Tale” where kids shared stories and was very delighted to participate actively. This session was intended for 3 participants, but 5 children showed enthusiasm in reading their stories, which in turn has sparked their imagination. The children develop self confidence, concentration power, involve all the listeners and motivate them to read more. They also learn how to value their books and stories through these kinds of sessions. Another session was conducted on 23rd of October, with children as storytellers on the topic- Dasai Festival Fun, conducted by GFF volunteers- Mei Quie Sherpa and Sulochana Thapa.
Regular field visit
Regular preparation of event reports
Documentation of the events for the monthly newsletter
Assisting CDS staff with website report editing.
The GFF Helps Nepal has been supporting it’s partner NGO- Child Development Society, with writing their monthly newsletters.
For the month of October, GFF Helps local representative Ms. Mei Quie Sherpa participated in the different events organized by CDS and helped in writing reports and collecting information for the newsletter.