First Aid Training Workshop
The lack of knowledge related to first aid is identified in the staff and the undergraduates of the SANASA Campus. It is necessary to have the knowledge to act accordingly in an emergency and to have an understanding of how to act with limited resources. Available knowledge of staff and students to respond to an emergency is scarce. Due to the economic crisis of the country, there is a shortage of fuel and medical supplies. By providing the First Aid training to the staff and the undergraduates, we are planning to uplift their health and hygiene capability to navigate situations with limited supplies.
In order to address this issue, a Health and Safety training initiative was initiated by GFF Sri Lanka on June 07, 2022 at Uththamavi Hall, SANASA Campus. Fifty beneficiaries actively participated in the session. Ms. Shamalee and Ms. Nimani from Red Cross society, Kegalle conducted the introductory First Aid Training.
The strong positive feedback from the participants reflected the importance of the knowledge transferred to them.
ntroduction to First Aid included:
- Basic life support (CPR)
- Management of wounds, bleedings and shocks
- Treatment of Hypoxia and burns
- Fractures and sprains
- Poison and snake bites
- Medical emergency procedures
- Casualty lifting and transportation were included in the training
Farmers-Training program
Currently, the farming community is experiencing an enormous number of challenges due to the economic crisis Sri Lanka is facing. Micro scale domestic agro industries (industry connected with agriculture) are facing issues especially with importing agro chemicals and finding a market. By providing them agriculture and agro economics subject matter expertise, we are planning to develop their capability. Through the knowledge they gain, beneficiaries will have capacity to improve the production and become more competitive in the market.
To improve the livelihoods of selected pepper farmers from Ekiriyagala SANASA cooperative society, GFF HELPS Sri Lanka implemented a farmers training program in Ekiriyagala village. The farmers in Ekiriyagala and nearby villages are the beneficiaries of the program. Sixteen pepper farmers participated in the session. Ms. Indika from the Export Agriculture Department, Kegalle conducted the session free of charge.
These products have the potential to be further improved to meet export quality standards through further assistance. As Sri Lankan spices have a high brand reputation in the international markets, these farmers could be able to export their products directly or indirectly through a broker.
Farmers training program farmers + Ekiriyagala Sanasa employees
Farmers Training Program
Book Donation Drive and Mobile Library
To improve the reading skills and vocabulary of the village kids, GFF HELPS Sri Lanka planned to build a Mobile Library. By reading story books with the village kids we plan to improve their interest in the language.
In order to collect books for the Mobile Library, GFF HELPS Sri Lanka organized a book donation drive for the SANASA Campus staff and the undergraduates. The book donation drive was held for the first week of June. With the support of the SANASA staff and undergraduates, GFF could collect 150+ story books for the Mobile Library.
This program was initiated in Ekiriyagala village as a part of the English for Village program on 08 June 2022. The kids in Ekiriyagala and nearby villages gathered at Ekiriyagala SANASA cooperative society to read story books. Even Though the first step started with Ekiriyagala village, we plan to expand the program to the other SANASA cooperative societies as well. As the local partner organization SANASA has long standing experience and roots in rural communities, through that, GFF HELPS Sri Lanka can reach to the vulnerable rural communities easily with support of SANASA movement.
“A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life”
English for Village
In order to build the confidence and improve the interest on the language of children in Ekiriyalaga and nearby villages English classes are continued. Focus of this project is to improve the English skills of the village kids by monitoring each kid personally.
Due to the limited facilities and crowded classrooms teachers at school can not focus on each kid separately. Therefore, a program conducted for free of charge is a precious opportunity for them.This program is conducted by an English tutor, Mrs. Tamasha at Ekiriyagala SANASA cooperative society for the kids in Ekiriyagala and nearby villages. The number of kids is increasing day by day and they are actively participating in the sessions.